
The Real Reason We're Having This Baby

This past weekend Eddie and I were able to cross off an impressive two of the tasks on a running list in my head to ready our home for this tot. I am wise enough NOT to write this list down, but to reveal those items that are necessary to accomplish with the time we've set aside to do so. Actually committing the entire list to paper, screen, or anywhere else he could see it would be foolish. It could scare him away. Most of the items on the list involve an effective reorganization of the storage in our home to accommodate the newest member.

It's great to be able to finally share this verve for getting everything in order. I'm always motivated, because I get a natural high from the result. Case in point. Eddie's motivation stems from getting a head start on being a good dad. He's giving, kind and wonderful. And I will totally be taking advantage of this. The baby needs new cabinet doors next to the fire place in the living room.

After all of the work is done, we will have to rename the toilet paper room. Only 21 more weeks left to complete the list and consider yet another name for something.

Week 19


Blogger KJ said...

You could call it The Dirty Diaper-Making Room.

8/2/09, 12:59 PM  

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